Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Old Friends...New Babies!

What a day!  Our friend Jackie came down from Morris with her little boy Bryce today.  It was so much fun to see her and meet her little guy, he was is so cute!  Bryce is 11 months old, Rylan is 6 months old and Paige is almost 3 months old.  It was fun to catch up and talk about the old days...of course we thought we all still looked the same, just older versions of ourselves :).

Paige went to daycare again today for 3 hours.  Sara and I spent some time at the outlet mall, we ran around and found some good's amazing what moms can do in such a short time :)!  Nichole said that Paige had some fussy time and that made me sad, but when I got there she perked up.  Sara reminded me that "no baby has ever died from crying" and that it will get better when Paige becomes more familiar with her new schedule.  It's just so hard to let go of the control...but I know it will be fine once we both get in the grove when mommy goes back to work.

Ryan is going hunting this weekend, so it's a "girls weekend" at our house.  I'm going to spend as much time as possible loving her up, holding her and kissing her before our time together is up :).

I love you Paige!

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