Saturday, October 9, 2010


I had to share this cute picture of Paige in her "Bumbo" seat.  It is pretty cute, she's a bit to little to be sitting in it...but the PT said it's good for her neck and spine for short periods of time.

She's been sucking on her hands like crazy lately!  At she breaks free from her swaddle and wakes us up with her sucking noises.  She's not hungry, just loves to suck on her fingers :).

We went to Costco this morning so that Ryan could pick out some new glasses.  Paige did an awesome job and even fell asleep!  She gave us the pleasure of a relaxing walk around Costco (if there is such a think on a saturday morning).

Sara and Rylan are flying in from Arizona tonight, we're looking forward to spending the week with them!  Can't wait for the kids to hang out and for Sara and I have to have some time together too!

I added another cute picture of Paige...I was playing with a color feature on my camera :).

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