Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bye-Bye Sara and Rylan

We had a great time with Sara and Rylan this past week!  It was so hard to see them go, but good to know that we will see them again in February!  Until then, we'll just have to Skype a ton!  Rylan is such a good boy, so cute and I can't wait to see how the two of them play 4 months from now!

Paige is starting daycare in 2 days and if I left myself think to much about it my anxiety will rise to very high levels.  I know she'll be fine, and it's only 6-7 hours a day...but that's a long time when we've only been apart for 3 hours at most.  She'll be fine, Nichole is great and I just have to let go of the control.

She's been so sweet this weekend!  Ryan went up north to grouse hunt with Eric and his dad, and Paige has been a dream.  She's all smiles in the mornings and I can't imagine how much she's going to change in the next month!

We were practicing tummy time last night and she rolled from her tummy to her back!  It only happened once and I think she surprised herself, I'll have to keep trying as I know she's close.

We love you Paigey!

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