Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Fall Day

It was a beautiful fall day and we enjoyed a nice walk, the leaves are changing and the colors are beautiful.  It was a bit breezy, but Paige loved being outside...we sat in the driveway when we got home and just "chatted" with her.  She's changing so much, and growing up so quick.  She's becoming much more content, so different then a few short weeks ago.  She started going to sleep on her own a couple days ago and now she hardly even cries when we put her down.  In fact, I think she actually likes having that time to herself...she's so cute! 

She's been taking Zantac since Monday and I think it's helping, but tonight she seemed really uncomfortable.  Our poor little girl spit up a lot and it seemed painful, it broke my heart and makes me so sad when I can't help her feel better.  In between crying (and changing her clothes from all the spit ups) she'd flash us that sweet little smile just to let her mommy and daddy know that she was ok.

I'm waiting for her to laugh out loud, she often has that happy squeal and I know that a giggle will follow very soon.  She has a gummy grin and her eyes light up, then her little body just wiggles with glee.  Can you tell I'm in love :)?

Eric, Shelly, Eliot and Kenley walked over today.  It was so fun to see them, and great to have Kenley over again.  She's getting so big and doing so well, she showed off lots of smiles today and it was great to sit on the floor with Shelly and chat with the girls.  The boys went out and looked at the snowblower that Ryan bought at a garage sale yesterday, Eliot had fun with it.  Eliot played the piano for us and entertained us with his dance moves and playing the fake drums...he's going to be a musician for sure! 

Our night ended with a bath for Paige and some TV time for mom and dad.  It was a great day, we got a lot done around the house (cleaning, lawn mowing, laundry...etc.) and that always feels great!

Life is good!

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