Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What Mustache?

Paige and I went to story time at the library yesterday, it was great to get back into it. They take an extended break over the holidays and take about 2 months off.

Ava always does a great job with the kids, she's great at keeping their attention. This week she read books about mustaches and hair...then gave the kids their own little mustache to take home. She had mirrors so the kids could look at themselves with their mustache and you have never heard so many giggles! 

I still remember when I was about 4 or 5 and my dad shaved his mustache off, I was a wreck. He had ALWAYS had a mustache, it was all I'd ever known...then one morning at the cabin he walked out with a clean shaven face! I lost it, I cried and cried...I told him he wasn't my daddy and that my daddy had a mustache. It took me a while to warm up to the fact that he shaved it off, now I can't imagine him with a mustache!  


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Wild Hair

Winter brings some seriously "static hair" and Paige loves to rub her head on the couch to make it crazy! Early this morning I helped her make a little "kennel" for her animals..."mom can we make a kennel for the animals". She has taken a liking to all my old beanie babies...they may not be worth any money but she loves them!

Grandma let her borrow a little sleeping bag so she could use it in her tent. Paige had other plans, she keeps it in the middle of the living room floor instead. You can see her other favorite thing right now, her green "slinky"...notice how she placed it next to her pillow.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

30 Months Old!

Here's our girl, she's 30 months old!

It's also her "half birthday" so we decided it was a good excuse to get out and do something different. After nap we went to Mall of America and she rode the merry-go-round. She liked it, but was a little nervous about the up and down part of it. She said she had fun, but she wished she could have sat on the lion instead of a horse.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Why not?

Why not paint your toe nails bright pink in the middle of winter? It's one of the coldest days of the year and we're feeling cooped up. I think bright pink toe nails might brighten our week! Bring on the sun and warmer temps (I'd be happy with 25 to 30) that's not to much to ask for, right?

the pedicure station

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More cold weather!

This cold weather business is getting really old. It makes me not even want to leave the house! Paige and I did venture out today to pick up some books and the "Charlotte's Web" video she's been waiting for from the library. We stocked up on books and she read while I made dinner, she brought her couch into the kitchen so that she could keep her feet warm by the heat vent under the kitchen sink. She's so funny, she kept putting her feet on it and saying "this is nice and warm mommy, come feel it". After books she moved on to making soup for dinner, she's a busy kid...and things don't last long with her. I found myself tripping over all the toys she brought in the kitchen and basically put right under my feet...but in the end it was the perfect night for yummy chili (and soup)!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Who can think about camping when it's -10 outside? Ryan and Paige can! Ryan put the tent up in our basement and Paige loves it. Her favorite thing to do is run back and forth and making her hair stand on end from the static electricity! Ryan has fun ideas, he's way more fun then me most of the time! Paige and Kenley played babies in the tent this morning, they both had a ball!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Paige went to her first wrestling match tonight, it brought back lots of memories in watching my brothers wrestle growing up. Alice was excited to show me the licorice rope her daddy bought and I couldn't help but wonder how much money dad spent on licorice rope when I was a little girl. I used to love going to the concession stand during wrestling matches! Paige had a great time, she was very interested in what was going on...she especially liked the cheer leaders. Andy did a great job and it was fun to see him show off all his skills! Way to go Andy!
Before the match we went on a date with Grandpa to Culver's, Paige was a great girl and ate like a champ! She was so good that Grandpa let her get vanilla ice cream! She drank the entire milk jug that came with her meal and only went to the bathroom once all night! Her potty training is going great!

Here are a few pics from our adventure!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Alarm clock

Who needs an alarm clock when you have a toddler who loves to wake up early? Well, apparently Paige thought that I needed one! She was playing with my clock while I was getting ready yesterday and she figured out how to turn the radio on. I guess she also figured how to turn my alarm clock on for 12:00, midnight! I woke up to blaring music and was totally out of it, I was trying to turn it off and couldn't figure it out. Once the fog cleared I was able to flip the little switch and roll over, at 12:07 I heard a loud thud. I rolled over and looked at the video monitor and noticed that Paige wasn't in her bed, my heart skipped a beat and when I went in her room I found her next to her bed on the floor. She was sound asleep! I guess having a bed with rails and bumpers won't slow this girl down, she's a mover and a shaker in her sleep! She must have known she would have needed some help around midnight when she set my alarm!

Write a note...

Paige wrote me a note today, this is what it said:

She's so serious when she's writing all these tiny little "notes". She has mastered the letter P and H and she's even attempting smiley faces :).

The mind of a toddler is an amazing thing!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

worker girl...

As I was getting Paige a snack today, she came into the kitchen and asked for a pencil and a piece of paper. I handed it over and watched her go back to her "desk". She started writing and I snuck up on her to take a picture. Notice she has a calculator, her elmo phone, and and ice cream cone on her desk...this is serious business she's conducting! When I asked her what she was doing, she said "I'm a worker girl". She cracks me up!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Her little voice...

Paige's singing voice is so funny, I love the way it cracks and that she just sings on. She loves to sing and would do it all day (well, usually half the day anyway). If she can't remember the words to a song she'll say "how that song go mommy". This is a little song that she knows from ECFE it's called "three little fish", I'm sure other people won't have a clue what she's saying...but it makes me giggle.

Side note: We got our new bed today, so our other bed from Costco is going back. It's landed in our living room for now and has provided lots of fun for Paige. It's like a big trampoline and she's taking advantage of using it as her "stage". For anyone with a toddler, it's a great way to have some independent play for at least a half hour!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fresh Air...

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and it was 37 degrees until later when it started to rain! Paige and I both needed some fresh air, we went for a nature walk out behind the house (in big girl underwear...I was worried but she did great!)

Ryan is still sick, I wish he could have come out for a while but he wasn't up to it. This flu is terrible, and I know he could have used some fresh air. I'm still praying that Paige and I don't get it!

Here are a few pictures from out walk...

 Paige told me this old log was a "rabbit hole"...where does she come up with this stuff?

 Her giggle melts my heart, I can hear it now!
She told me she wanted to walk on the trail all by herself, she said "mom if you need me, you just say Paige I need you". I love this girl!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Not only is Ryan sick but Auntie Shelly is sick too! Kiki came over while Eliot was at school yesterday so Shelly could go to the doctor. Sickness is everywhere, but you wouldn't know it with these two. They really are the cutest little buddies...they love playing babies together.

The Flu!

The flu is here, in our home! Ryan ended up with a confirmed case of the flu and has pretty much been in bed for the last 3 days. It's been sad to see him sick and rough because Paige doesn't understand why daddy can't play with her and cuddle her. We're hoping tomorrow is better as his fever broke today. The flu is no good, I'm hoping and praying that Paige and I stay clear of it. Our hands are dry and red from all the washing! Fingers crossed!

1 Week of Potty Training...

One week of potty training down, the rest of our lives to go!

She's doing great, the only hang up is pooping. That didn't set in until day 3, and I guess that's very common. She's telling me every time she has to go pee-pee, I probably don't even have to ask! Going number 2 is a different story, it's come down to us putting a diaper on her when she has to go and then underwear back on when she's done. It's not right I know, but it works for now and I'm hoping that we'll get there some day soon. We've ventured out of the house with underwear and she hasn't had an accident yet...I think she's even learning to hold it! Baby steps, right? I'm proud of her (and me.)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Trail Ride...

Paige set up a trail ride for her horses today. Here she is giving orders and telling everyone to hold on to the reins. She also likes to point out that Barbie is a good horse rider.

Thanks to Andy and Alice for passing long this wonderful toy, it has provided lots of entertainment! Not sure that Paige is actually supposed to ride it (it's meant for an American Girl Doll), but she's had a blast trying! The original owner was their big cousin Samantha, she would be so proud :)! 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Potty training is a lot of work...

Nobody told me that potty training would be this much work. Paige started off strong and has been slowly declining, I'm  hoping tomorrow will be a better day and we can start fresh. I feel sort of defeated and yet I know it's my own fault. Paige had several accidents today, but we were busy with family and friends. No matter the amount of reminders it just didn't seem to sink in. She has also started to resist pooping in the potty and that IS NO FUN to clean up out of underwear!
It's hard for her AND it's hard for us as parents to not want to throw in the towel. I keep reminding myself that it's a process and we'll be dealing with it for a while. Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully a good night sleep will help all of us get back on track. I know she can do this, we just have to stick to it!
We had our neighbors over for the game tonight and Paige had fun with her buddy Ava. Ava even sat by her and read books in hopes that Paige would go poop on the potty (which unfortunately didn't work). She's a year older then Paige and such a sweet little girl. I'm happy to know that she'll have such a nice little girl to play with when she gets older.

Potty Training Day 3

Well, day 3 was a success in my books. She only had two accidents yesterday and I told her that Ryan and I would take her to the ice cream shop if she had a good "potty" day. She did a great job so away we went. The decision was, do I leave her in underwear or put her in a pull-up? I decided a pull-up was the way to go, I told her it's her special big girl underwear. I reminded her that she still had to tell us if she had to go potty, and that the ice cream shop had a potty just like our house. She agreed and we were on our way. She told Ryan and I that she was getting vanilla...Ryan was getting chocolate and somehow I was getting strawberry (my least favorite). When we got there we tried a few flavors and settled in with our cones, about 5 minutes into eating she stopped talking and looked at me with a sad look. She said "mommy, I'm peeing my pants". At that moment I was beyond happy that she was wearing a pull-up! We still have a lot to work on, but I was glad we could reward her for such all her hard work (and mine)....we both deserved our ice cream cones!  

Note how tired we both look...potty training is hard work!!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Potty Training - day 2

Well, I have to say that I'm pretty amazed by my little girl! She did an amazing job today! She went potty in the toilet all day (with the exception of one small accident before dinner) and I'm pretty sure the "gummy bears" were the best motivation ever! I have to send a thanks out to grandma and grandpa for stopping by this morning, it was fun to see them and they rescued me by replenishing my "gummy bear" stash.
I forgot to mention that Paige even stayed dry during nap time! I've been putting a pull-up on her at nap and bedtime because I wasn't sure how that would work...only time will tell I guess.

So proud of my little girl!

Although, I myself am exhausted. I'm not sure why, she's doing a great job...but I guess spending most of my day in the bathroom and talking about poop and pee must be tiring me out!

Tomorrow is another day of staying home to keep things going, I know we're moving in the right direction!!!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Potty Training Part II

So far so good! I honestly can't believe how easy it has been, I have a feeling tomorrow might be a different story...could I really be this lucky? She told me every time she had to go potty and even told me that she had to poop, and she actually did! She got a "gummy bear" aka a fruit snack every time she went potty, but pooping on the potty got her 5 gummy bears! She is so proud of herself!

I'm proud of her and I'm praying that tomorrow will go smooth.

I must admit it's a little sad, my little baby is growing up so fast. Sitting at the dinner table tonight she seemed older, and I'm excited to see what her future holds but not ready to let go of my precious baby.

Today she informed me that she's "working on her manners". I love this kid!

Potty Training?

Well, I'm going to do after nap I'm going to attempt "big girl underwear" for Paige. I decided starting after nap wouldn't seem like such a long day for either of us. I told her before nap that she could wear underwear when she woke up, she seemed excited...time will tell. I honestly have no idea what I'm doing, I've read a few things here and there and heard advice from other moms...but I don't really have a set plan. Well, I guess I do have a few little things up my sleeve. I'm doing a sticker chart and a reward for every time she goes potty in the toilet. Her reward is ONE fruit snack, anyone who knows Paige knows that's a BIG deal! She doesn't get treats very often and she loves "gummy bears" so I have a feeling this might help her to get what she wants (and ultimately, what we want too!). Fingers crossed...I'm not promising anything, just testing the waters.
Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

We had an uneventful, yet perfect New Years Eve. It was spent with just the 3 of us, and that was just fine for us. I'm pretty sure Ryan and I were asleep by 10:30, much different from our younger years. We both laughed about it and said we won't always be this boring, but sometimes being the parents of young children can change your perspective on "fun". It was fun to eat pizza and let Paige run around in her "underwear", it was hilarious to watch her jump off the couch into her bean bag. She thought she was being so daring, and Ryan and I couldn't stop laughing. Snuggling and reading books in our new king size bed before her bedtime was great...I love our family and being together all snuggled up felt like the perfect new years eve to us!

Today was a fun and busy day. We decided to take a trip to Brainerd to see Great Granny, but first Paige had to play the drums to get us going...

We picked up a pizza and brought it to Granny's place, she lives in a beautiful assisted living building with plenty of room for Paige to explore. They had a blue Christmas tree up in the sitting room, she thought that was great because blue is her favorite color. She had some major static cling happening with her hair, that's what happens in MN winters...serious hat hair! Granny got a kick out of it and requested a picture. Paige loves getting rides on Granny's walker, she is a lucky girl to have such a fun GREAT Granny. Who would ever guess that she's 96 years old...I hope I'm that full of life and witty when I'm her age. She told us the story of a lady that moved in across the hall from her. She said she never comes out of her little apartment so Granny took her some cookies the other day and asked her if she wanted to play cards with some of her friends - to get her aquatinted with some of the ladies. I think it's pretty sweet that even at 96, Granny is still making a difference in people's lives. It's a good thing to remember on this new years day, there is always a chance to make a difference in the life of matter how old or young you are!

We ended the day by FINALLY seeing Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma has been sick since Christmas so we have let her heal and kept our distance. She's finally feeling better, and even let us beat her in a game of golf on the Wii tonight! It was great to see them and look at all their Christmas decorations, to bad that we didn't get to enjoy them on Christmas! Oh well, all that matters is that she's feeling better and we'll pray that next year everyone is healthy! What a fun and busy day, what a great way to start the new year! Happy 2013!!