Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

We had an uneventful, yet perfect New Years Eve. It was spent with just the 3 of us, and that was just fine for us. I'm pretty sure Ryan and I were asleep by 10:30, much different from our younger years. We both laughed about it and said we won't always be this boring, but sometimes being the parents of young children can change your perspective on "fun". It was fun to eat pizza and let Paige run around in her "underwear", it was hilarious to watch her jump off the couch into her bean bag. She thought she was being so daring, and Ryan and I couldn't stop laughing. Snuggling and reading books in our new king size bed before her bedtime was great...I love our family and being together all snuggled up felt like the perfect new years eve to us!

Today was a fun and busy day. We decided to take a trip to Brainerd to see Great Granny, but first Paige had to play the drums to get us going...

We picked up a pizza and brought it to Granny's place, she lives in a beautiful assisted living building with plenty of room for Paige to explore. They had a blue Christmas tree up in the sitting room, she thought that was great because blue is her favorite color. She had some major static cling happening with her hair, that's what happens in MN winters...serious hat hair! Granny got a kick out of it and requested a picture. Paige loves getting rides on Granny's walker, she is a lucky girl to have such a fun GREAT Granny. Who would ever guess that she's 96 years old...I hope I'm that full of life and witty when I'm her age. She told us the story of a lady that moved in across the hall from her. She said she never comes out of her little apartment so Granny took her some cookies the other day and asked her if she wanted to play cards with some of her friends - to get her aquatinted with some of the ladies. I think it's pretty sweet that even at 96, Granny is still making a difference in people's lives. It's a good thing to remember on this new years day, there is always a chance to make a difference in the life of others...no matter how old or young you are!

We ended the day by FINALLY seeing Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma has been sick since Christmas so we have let her heal and kept our distance. She's finally feeling better, and even let us beat her in a game of golf on the Wii tonight! It was great to see them and look at all their Christmas decorations, to bad that we didn't get to enjoy them on Christmas! Oh well, all that matters is that she's feeling better and we'll pray that next year everyone is healthy! What a fun and busy day, what a great way to start the new year! Happy 2013!!

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