Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fresh Air...

Today was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and it was 37 degrees until later when it started to rain! Paige and I both needed some fresh air, we went for a nature walk out behind the house (in big girl underwear...I was worried but she did great!)

Ryan is still sick, I wish he could have come out for a while but he wasn't up to it. This flu is terrible, and I know he could have used some fresh air. I'm still praying that Paige and I don't get it!

Here are a few pictures from out walk...

 Paige told me this old log was a "rabbit hole"...where does she come up with this stuff?

 Her giggle melts my heart, I can hear it now!
She told me she wanted to walk on the trail all by herself, she said "mom if you need me, you just say Paige I need you". I love this girl!

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