Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2 Month Check Up

Paige had her 2 month check up yesterday.  She did a great job, she laid on the table and listened to the dr. the entire time...it was really cute.  The dr. thought it would be best if she went for physical therapy to help get full range of motion in her neck.  He also gave us some medicine for her reflux, I'm hoping it will help with her fussiness after eating.  The worst part of the appointment was that she had to get 3 shots, it was SOOOO sad!  She screamed and cried like I've never seen before, luckily daddy was with...he was strong for all of us.  Shortly after her appointment Ryan had to catch a flight to CA, and luckily my parents took Paige and I in for the night.  I was very happy to spend the night at my parents, Paige was very fussy after her shots and it was nice to have the help of my mom :). 

9 Week Stats
Weight: 12lbs 8oz
Height: 24 Inches
Head: 16 1/2 Inches

She's in the 86%-95% for her age group, she's a healthy little girl and we're so thankful for her!!!

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