Monday, September 13, 2010

7 Weeks!

7 weeks ago today our lives changed forever, and we couldn't imagine life without Paige!  So much has changed since that blessed day...and we are better people because of Paige.

Today was a good day, Paige slept late and Mom was able to take a shower (and even shave my legs)!  We stayed home all day, and in between naps I was able to clean out my was a small job but I haven't done it in a LONG time!

We took a nice walk this afternoon, it was a beautiful day and Paige loved the time outside.  My friend Kathy came to meet Paige tonight, it was great to see her...but Paige was a little fussy.  It's always fun to have people over.

We're going to see my friend Mandy and her little boy James tomorrow.  He's only 2 weeks old and I can't wait to hang out with and compare stories.  Mandy and I work together and we've been missing each other, hopefully we'll have more visits like this before I head back to work.

Well, it was another long day and I'm beat...going to go up and check on my little sweetheart.  I love to kiss her lips and bedtime and say a little prayer over her, she's my life and I LOVE her!!!

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