Friday, September 10, 2010


Today was a fun day of visitors!  My friend Janelle came over and brought her friend Missy.  Missy lives in our neighborhood and she has a little boy named Levi that's almost 2 months older then Paige...he sure is a cutie!  Paige slept though our visit but we woke her up at the end to meet Missy and Levi!  It was fun to connect with Missy about what to expect in the next couple months and bounce a few things off her, she was full of good advice!

Then we had a surprise visit from my friend Laura, she got married in July and moved to Eden Prairie.  It's not so easy to see each other now, especially with Paige's bad feelings about her carseat!

We're excited for the weekend, we love when Daddy is home!  Grandma and Grandpa are going to babysit tomorrow so that Ry and I can go out to lunch...looking forward to a little alone time and adult conversation. Daddy surprised us with flowers last night...just because he loves us, we are lucky girls!

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