Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Now that Paige is 6 weeks old she's starting to show off her likes and dislikes.

Morning time
Snuggles with Mommy & Daddy
Bouncing on the ball to fall asleep (we'll post a picture some day)
Walking around
Changing positions Every 5 minutes
Looking at her blocks
Hanging out with family
Facing out and sitting up, she loves to see the world!
She just starting liking her sleepy wrap, that makes mom happy...she can use both hands!
Feeding time
Looking at her mobile
Looking out the window
Watching TV (don't worry, we don't allow it...she just sneaks a peek every once in a while)
Her pacifier

Her carseat
Sitting in one spot for to long
Her play gym
Did I mention her carseat :)

She's a good baby and very opinionated about what she likes...she keeps us on our toes!  We love it!

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