Sunday, September 12, 2010


Today was Paige's first visit to church.  She did a great job, she LOVED the was so nice to go to church as a family.  I felt a little emotional, this is one of the things I always thought of when we talked about having a family.  She ended up eating and falling asleep, I was proud of her and of myself because I normally don't nurse in public. 

Uncle Mike, Auntie Tracy and her cousin's Andy and Alice came over today.  She loved seeing them, she showed off her smile and loved when everyone got on the floor and talked to her!  It's awesome that she has such loving people in her life...she's one lucky girl!

Hard to believe that Paige came into our world 7 weeks ago tomorrow.  Some days it seems like she's been here forever and other days it seems like just yesterday.  We love her so much, I have no idea how I'm going to go back to work...I miss her when she's taking a nap!!!

She has had a good couple days, today she was a little "off" but nothing like the fussy time she had last week.  We love weekends and wish that Daddy could stay home every day.

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