Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Ryan really missed her yesterday so he ended up holding her tonight while she napped.  She had her hands crossed so cute, I had to take a picture.  Then I took one of her and Daddy just to show how little she still is. 

Today was a good day, Daddy worked from home because he was out of town until late last night.  He took us girls to lunch and it was really fun.  I haven't been out to lunch with my two favorite people since Paige was about 3 weeks old.  She's getting more predictable now, and less fussy every day.  I love when she wakes up in the morning and shines that pretty little smile, the morning is her favorite time of day!

Tonight I said prayers while putting Paige to sleep and found myself with big tears in my eyes.  She is such a gift and I feel so blessed, God is good and I'm one lucky momma!

She's stirring in bed as I type, she's hungry so I'm off to feed my little sweetie...and yes I'll kiss her again and again.

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