Sunday, September 26, 2010

Paige and Kenley = CUTE!

It's a beautiful Sunday and we enjoyed today to the fullest.  We started our day at church, Paige did a great job...she actually slept the entire time!  After church we picked up lunch and went to Eric and Shelly's, we all ate lunch together and then Paige and Kenley hung out while the boys watched football.  This is the first time that the girls were able to "play together", they had fun laying on the blanket looking at eachother and even grabbed hands at one point.  It was so much fun to see them playing together, they are both getting so big and growing so fast...but next summer they'll be walking (or running) and we can't wait to watch them play with Eliot!  It was great to have some family time with Eric and Shelly, it's so easy to be with them...we've all been so busy lately that it's been hard to "hang out".  Hopefully now that Paige is less fussy and Kenley is doing better we'll be able to make it happen more often.

We set up Paige's highchair today, I know it sounds silly but she likes to sit in it and Ry and I love to have her at the dinner table.  Ry grilled steaks and we had a great meal together, at the SAME TIME...that doesn't happen all that often at our house, we're usually eating in shifts :).

Daddy is leaving for 3 nights to CA tomorrow, Paige and I are going to miss him like crazy!  She has her 2 month appointment tomorrow and she'll have a couple shots...hopefully she won't get to fussy.  Tomorrow we'll post he 9 week b-day picture, hard to believe...we love you Paige!

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